In a world where much of our goods and services come to us via the internet, it's no surprise that a good deal of our communication comes through a screen as well. While the convenience and accessibility of the internet has made life easier in many ways, there are aspects of it that aren't so rosy, and it's impacting small business owners in ways you might not expect. This tool is being used as a weapon in the hands of clients and customers, and can do damage beyond repair if not closely monitored.
So, what is it?
Yep. While reviews have many positives, including giving clients and customers the opportunity to make informed decisions, it has a darker side. Unfortunately, many review platforms do not allow for the editing or removal of reviews by anyone other than the individual who wrote or posted it in the first place, leaving business owners at the mercy of what's being said about them by the general public, even if some of the claims are false. Think about it: every moment of every day was being watched and you were being rated and judged on how you handle each scenario. You'd slip up sometimes right? Absolutely. We all have bad days, and momentary lapses in our decision making or behavior. Fortunately we aren't judged like this in real life...but business owners are. Every time they provide a service or product to a customer, they're at the mercy of another's opinion. Whilte this is mostly beneficial, weeding out quality providers and giving customers a "heads up" about the best places to receive certain goods or services, there are times it's not so great, including:
When an employee makes a mistake, and the customer slams the entire company or brand online instead of contacting the owner first
When a "troll" unnecessarily reviews businesses badly, with no actual evidence or experience to back up their bad review (aka, someone who lies to bring down businesses on purpose)
When a disgruntled former employee or someone connected to the business uses the review platform as a weapon toward those whom they hold a grudge against
These scenarios happen on a regular basis for small business owners across the country each day, and while larger corporations can brush off negative reviews, it's a lot harder for small, localized brands. In the numbers game, one bad review can bring down their overall score significantly, impacting how they show up in search engines and on social platforms, and affecting how many people choose to use their business. So, what can you do?
Be a responsible reviewer. If you have a bad experience or are dissatisfied with a product, contact the owner first. Many times they are willing to work with you to make the situation right with a reimbursement, credit, replacement service, etc. If the owner isn't willing to work with you or acts unreasonably, then by all means, let people know about the situation, but do so in a diplomatic and factual way. Throwing around hateful comments or personal feelings does nothing to help the situation and ends up making you look less professional. Sticking to the facts is always the way to go! Also, remember to leave POSITIVE reviews! If you have a good experience or love a new brand you've found, let them know! These positive reviews help build their brand online and boost their numbers, offsetting the effects of irresponsible reviews or internet trolls and helping the owner protect their good name.
Newton Peach Marketing is proud to support local businesses throughout the Central Florida area, and as a fellow small business, we understand the importance of building your brand and reputation online! We don't just post content and oversee advertisement campaigns. We manage your online presence in its entirety, including reviews and messages from customers and clients. You can breathe easy knowing that incoming opinions about your business are being handled promptly, and you'll be notified if something needs your attention ASAP. Give us a call and see what we can do to help you grow and manage YOUR business.