hurricane preparation

Is Florida Ready for Dorian? Some Tips from One Local Business to Another


Tropical storm Dorian is in the process of being upgraded to a hurricane, and experts expect it to strengthen over the weekend and hit Florida sometime on Monday as a potential Category 3 or 4 storm. While it might not be classified as another Irma, none of us have forgotten the blow received by Polk County just shy of two short years ago, with some of us still recovering from physical and financial damage. Now that another storm is headed our direction, we thought it was a great time to throw out a few pointers as you prepare for the storm to make sure you (and your business) are ready! As fellow business owners here in Winter Haven, we make it our goal to ensure that our friends and neighbors are protected in every way possible, including their livelihood and their company.

Remember when preparing your business for a hurricane you should...

Take a "pre-storm" video for your insurance! Do a comprehensive video of your business (inside and out) and your property before the storm hits. Show any major outdoor features (fences, play structures, parking areas, etc.) and if possible, show the preparations taken to protect those items in the storm. For example, if you put up shutters on the windows make sure to show those, take time to film any tie-downs you added to your play structure, and so forth. This video not only serves as proof for making claims, but also means you're more likely to get your claim taken care of easily since it shows you made an effort to protect your business and there will be no question of whether or not the damages (if there are any) could have been prevented.

Stock up on some essentials for your office, no matter the strength of the storm. It doesn't take huge wind gusts to take out power in some parts of Florida, nor does it take a massive storm surge to affect water supply. Even a "minor" hurricane can cause big problems depending on where it hits along the coastline. Having items like clean drinking water, batteries, flashlights, and even a generator (ONLY to be used outside) is key in making sure you can still take care of yourself and your family in the event of losing power and/or water for a period of time. If you keep some of these items on hand in your place of business, you can not only use it as a backup place of respite if your home is damaged, but you can also offer shelter to those in your circle of friends or family who might need assistance after the storm.

Have all of your important papers on hand in case of emergency. If possible, keep important papers related to your business on your person (or close at hand) when a storm is approaching. The deed to your commercial property and/or office, insurance paperwork related to your business, employee records, etc. are all key pieces to have with you following a major storm, especially if your business sustains damages.

Newton Peach Marketing is gearing up for the storm with you, and we as always, we are here for local businesses in and around Polk County. We treat each client like a neighbor because we ARE your neighbor, working and operating here in Central Florida just like you. Good luck to everyone during Dorian!

Neighbors Know No Distance: Supporting Those Preparing for Hurricane Florence


Just a year ago, Hurricane Irma pounded the entire state of Florida with powerful winds, heavy rains that resulted in flooding, and major damage to homes and businesses alike. While much of our state has recovered, or are in the process of recovering, we are no stranger to the catastrophic impact of a hurricane on daily life of residents in the path of the storm. In our time of need, states surrounding us offered a helping hand and support, whether it be countless linemen that gave their time and efforts to restore our power more quickly, relief organizations that sent food, water,r and clothing, or simply friends and neighbors out of state that offered a place of refuge for those who chose to evacuate. Now, Hurricane Florence is threatening our neighbors to the north, and we have a chance to pay back some of the kindness shown to us last year. So, how can we help those preparing to go through a storm of this magnitude?

First, a friendly word of encouragement and some advice based from experience can go a long way. If you have friends or family who have never ridden out a storm like this before, let them know they'll likely be ok, and offer some pointers on preparing. No one knows hurricanes like Floridians! Tips like stocking up on more water than you think you'll need, non perishable food items, flashlights and batteries, etc. as well as charging all devices ahead of the storm are very helpful for those who have never had to do anything like this in the past. Additionally, your advice could help them get ahead of the game and purchase their supplies before the stores are overrun and shelves empty out. Offer a listening ear if they're feeling anxious, and give insight on ways they can best feel prepared and ready for Florence to come into town.

If you have the means, offering your own home as a place of safety is often appreciated. Many people haven't budget for multiple days in a hotel, and if you pair that with the gas money needed to travel, they might be tempted to ride out the storm even if in an unsafe location. By offering your home, you take away the financial obligation of evacuating, meaning they're free to make the safest choice, not just the most affordable. For those of us here in Central Florida, we are (for once) a safe distance from the storm's impact, which means many locals could offer this gesture of kindness. 

Donate and volunteer. If you can, volunteer with local relief agencies in your area to pack trucks with water and other needed supplies. These organizations often go in after the storm to help with recovery efforts and to assist those who are running out of supplies and are unable to get more. In addition to your time, donating monetary gifts, or donating actual supplies like cases of water, canned goods, diapers, etc. go a long way in helping them help other people. In Winter Haven, Lakeland, and surrounding towns, call your favorite local missions, churches, and relief organizations and find out if they have plans in place to offer support before and/or after the storm. If not, you could be the catalyst that starts a drive for needed items in our community! 

Finally, practice kindness. While we might not be preparing for the storm this time around, we remember well the stress and anxiety that come along with a hurricane of this magnitude. Instead of getting frustrated by heavy traffic caused by people feeling the storm, take a minute to let some people in front of you on the highway. When you're tempted to complain that your store is out of a particular item because the excess was shipped up north, instead be thankful that your home and community isn't threatened this time around. There is always a way to practice kindness, and that is perhaps the most important thing you can remember during any type of crisis. 

Newton Peach Marketing is proud to be a small business in the heart of Winter Haven, and we believe in supporting our neighbors, our community, and other local companies and brands. We are trusted by locals because we are locals. As a marketing company based in Florida where severe weather is commonplace at certain times of the year, we have an extra dose of compassion for those preparing for Florence in the coming hours and days. Good luck to our friends and neighbors up North! You are in our thoughts and prayers.