Many people set the goal of getting in shape. Many people also abandon that goal. There are numerous reasons this is the case. Often, however, people simply assume they need the right equipment to work out effectively.
This is an understandable assumption. That said, it’s not rooted in fact. It’s entirely possible to burn calories without special equipment, a gym membership, or even a lot of space. The following points illustrate just a few ways you can get in your daily cardio from the comfort of your own home.
Jog in Place
You may feel a little awkward jogging in place, but you shouldn’t. This simple exercise can actually burn a lot more calories than you might realize, especially if you’re wearing comfortable shoes. Although many factors contribute to how many calories someone burns while performing a given exercise, in general, a 125-pound person consistently jogging in place for 10 minutes could burn as many as 60 calories. That’s a pretty decent workout that requires virtually no space.
Perform High Knees
As your fitness improves, your goal is to identify reasonably intense exercises you can perform in a small area. High knees is a good example to consider. As the name implies, this exercise involves standing with your feet hip-width apart and raising one knee as close to your chest as possible while pumping the opposite arm and maintaining your balance. Alternate between each leg, and try to stay as light on your feet as possible. This is key to ensuring the workout is intense enough to help you burn calories.
Use Your Stairs
It’s important to keep in mind that certain items and features in your home can actually serve as fitness equipment if you’re creative. Consider your staircase. If it’s relatively long and wide, sprinting up it as fast as you can (while staying safe) is a simple way to get in a fairly intense workout. Every time you reach the top of the stairs, return to the bottom and sprint up them again, until you are too tired to do so. A 150-pound man consistently running up the stairs for an hour could potentially burn up to 950 calories!
Try Squats
Squats are another simple but effective exercise you can perform without access to much space. All you have to do is stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of you. Squat down and hinge your hips back until your legs form a perfect 90-degree angle behind the knee. Return to the standing position and repeat until you are tired. For added intensity, jump up from your squats.
These few examples clearly indicate how easy it is to practice cardio without special equipment. Even if you have a small apartment, working out everyday is still an option. There goes your last excuse for not getting in shape!
Thank you to DJ Crino for contributing this month’s blog content on Newton Peach Marketing.