
Happy Halloween for EVERYbody: Three Ways to Make Halloween More Inclusive This Season

Halloween is just a couple of weeks away. Kids (and adults) are picking out the perfect costume and preparing for lots of fun, and PLENTY of candy. While some families will still be participating in traditional trick-or-treating in nearby neighborhoods, other families here in Polk County might not yet feel comfortable going out in droves to take part. What's more, there are children and adults in our community who have never been able to participate in a traditional way (even before the pandemic) due to limiting factors like varying physical abilities, food allergies, or difficulty going out at the traditional time on Halloween. Perhaps more than ever before, we could all use the fun and magic that comes with a holiday, and making sure everyone in our community can participate matters to us! Here are three ways you can make Halloween more inclusive this year, both for your family and for those around you:

  • Offer allergy-friendly treats. Having a separate bucket of stickers or small trinkets and toys is a great way to provide an alternative option for kids who have allergies or are too young to enjoy typical candies and sweets. Often, allergy-friendly treats are differentiated with a teal bucket, but if you don't have one, just put a label out (or tell people yourself if you're present!) so parents will know how to help their child choose best.

  • Make your setup accessible for everyone. If trick-or-treaters must make it up your driveway, over uneven pavers, up stairs, etc. to get to the treats on Halloween, it doesn't make it easy for ghosts or goblins who might be limited by walking difficulty or being wheelchair bound. If you set up a candy station at the end of your driveway or walkway, you make sure ALL spooky visitors can get to the goods, which they (and their families!) will appreciate.

  • Consider BOOing your neighbors! If you know there are families in your neighborhood who can't trick or treat in the traditional way because of health risks or work schedules, you could bring a big smile to their face by BOOing the nicest way possible of course! Pack up a basket with fun Halloween treats, a spooky craft, and/or some fun activities like bubbles or sidewalk chalk, and leave it on their doorstep with a note letting them know they had a ghostly visitor to bring a little holiday fun. Anonymous or not, you can feel good knowing you spread some happiness!

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