Owning your own business means it's important to understand the "why" of things just as much as "how" to do them. When it comes to investing in your brand, things like signage, printed materials, or photography are straightforward. Social media though has sometimes been looked at as "frivolous" or unnecessary among business owners. Contrary to this mistaken belief, social media is actually a huge asset to modern business owners, and if done right, can pay for itself and then some. Our marketing agency specializes in social media content and management for businesses of all sizes in Polk County and we see the benefits firsthand.
According to Newton Peach, the top 3 reasons you should consider investing in social media for your business are:
Increased Brand Awareness
Social media platforms provide an extensive reach within your area. This allows businesses to connect with a diverse audience and increase brand visibility to potential customers and clients. By consistently engaging and sharing relevant content, businesses can create awareness and exposure for their products or services. With a single click, a post on Facebook or Instagram can reach hundreds of people within a day. What other marketing tool will give you those kinds of results?
Targeted Advertising
Social media platforms offer advanced targeting options for content. This enables you to reach individuals grouped by specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations with your brand. By targeting your approach (as opposed to blanket advertisement) you enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, reaching the right audience and maximizing your return on investment (ROI). In the marketing world, social media is how you get the "most bang for your buck" when promoting your service or product.
Customer Engagement and Relationship Building
Social media facilitates direct communication between businesses and their customers. By actively engaging with followers, responding to comments, and addressing questions or concerns, your business (and you as an owner) can build stronger relationships, foster loyalty, and establish a positive brand image in your community. By personalizing your business to those in your area, you build a level of trust that can lead to word-of-mouth promotion (aka FREE advertisement), increased sales, and a stronger presence within your community.
Newton Peach Marketing is proud to serve Winter Haven businesses with social media services tailored specifically to their needs and their audience. We would love to help you grow! By identifying your ideal audience, and connecting with your community on your behalf, we help you promote and build your brand to increase profits long-term. Let's talk about options for your business! Schedule a consultation and learn how Newton Peach Marketing can help you grow!