Social media is a huge part of marketing your business and building your brand both on the internet as a whole, and within your own community. However, if you're unfamiliar with utilizing social media for anything more than sharing cute pictures of your kids and pets with friends and family, or keeping up with sports or local news, it's intimidating when you're faced with insights about reach and post visibility, creating ads on social media, etc. Even creating basic posts can seem difficult since your content has to represent your business, not just you as a person. So, where should you begin?
Newton Peach Marketing has a few key strategies to help you make the most of your social media posts, and some ways to use different options within various platforms to grow your business without ever leaving the comfort of your office.
Get engaged!
Social media post engagement is a huge part of increasing your presence online. When people comment on, share, or like your post, it shows up on hundreds of other newsfeeds connected to those friends. Think of it as free advertisement! The trick is figuring out how to encourage people to engage with your post. Humorous content that's relevant to your business or field of work, such as a joke or a cartoon, is known for getting lots of interaction, as people enjoy a good chuckle as they're scrolling through countless posts about sports, news, politics, and their cousin's best-friend's wedding photos. Pro tip: include images with your posts as much as possible. Posts with images get almost 3x as many likes as those without.
Give back.
Hosting giveaways is a great way to add page likes, gain shares and comments on your posts, and make a name for yourself within the community. It doesn't have to be major! While some businesses give away large-scale items like a cruise or a smartphone, something as simple as a gift card to a coffee shop or token-sized gift is enough to make people perk up and look at your post. Make the giveaway visually appealing by advertising it with clever wording, "advertisements" about the prize, etc. It's a very effective way to share about your business across multiple platforms!
Link up.
Linking over your blog, your website, relevant content from other businesses, etc. is a great way to offer some variety to your social media platforms, and get web traffic for your business site. While you can over-do this (don't completely forgo custom content for linking over third-party ideas), occasionally including a link to something interesting or important is a good idea for any business.
If you're tired of trying to keep up with the demand of managing your social media, creating content for your various online platforms, and relaying to hours of comments, messages, and inquiries, Newton Peach Marketing is the help you've been looking for. We not only offer social media set up and management for businesses of all sizes, but we can take over your existing pages and pick up where you left off. We handle Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. You can feel confident with your place your business in our hands. Give us a call and see what we can do for you.